Darwin: Life After Origins

8 Jan, 2009 570 Biology

To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin in 2009 and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, Melvyn Bragg presents a series about Darwin’s life and work.Melvyn visits Darwin’s home at Down House in Kent. Despite ill health and the demands of his family, Darwin continued researching and publishing until his death in April 1882.Featuring contributions from Darwin biographer Jim Moore, geneticist at University College London Steve Jones, Darwin expert Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project and former garden curator at Down House Nick Biddle.

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  • Jim Moore 4 episodes
    Darwin biographer
  • Steve Jones 22 episodes
    Geneticist at University College London
  • Alison Pearn No other episodes
    Darwin expert of the Darwin Correspondence Project
  • Nick Biddle No other episodes
    Former garden curator at Down House

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Programme ID: b00gdhqf

Episode page: bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00gdhqf

Auto-category: 570 (Biology)