The Laws of Motion

3 Apr, 2008 530 Physics

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Newton’s Laws of Motion. In 1687 Isaac Newton attempted to explain the movements of everything in the universe, from a pea rolling on a plate to the position of the planets. It was a brilliant, vaultingly ambitious and fiendishly complex task; it took him three sentences. These are the three laws of motion with which Newton founded the discipline of classical mechanics and conjoined a series of concepts - inertia, acceleration, force, momentum and mass - by which we still describe the movement of things today. Newton’s laws have been refined over the years - most famously by Einstein - but they were still good enough, 282 years after they were published, to put Neil Armstrong on the Moon.

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  • Simon Schaffer 25 episodes
    Professor in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Darwin College
  • Raymond Flood 2 episodes
    University Lecturer in Computing Studies and Mathematics and Senior Tutor at Kellogg College, University of Oxford
  • Rob Iliffe 2 episodes
    Professor of Intellectual History and History of Science at the University of Sussex

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Programme ID: b009mvj0

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Auto-category: 530.1 (Classical mechanics)

Hello (First sentence from this episode) Hello. In 1687, Isaac Newton attempted to explain the movements of everything in the universe, from a pea rolling on a plate to the position of Pluto.