Genetic Mutation

6 Dec, 2007 570 Biology

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss mutation in genetics and evolution. When lying mortally ill with cancer, the British geneticist J.B.S. Haldane penned the following lines: Cancer’s a Funny Thing:I wish I had the voice of HomerTo sing of rectal carcinoma,Which kills a lot more chaps, in fact,Than were bumped off when Troy was sacked…Haldane knew better than most that many cancers, and many other diseases, are caused by genetic mutation. A mutation is an error in reproduction between one generation and the next as the copying mechanism that allows you to inherit your parent’s genes goes awry. Mutations are almost always bad news for the organism that suffers them and yet mutation is also a giver of life. Without it there would be no natural selection, no evolution and, arguably, no life on this planet. It’s not unreasonable to see life itself as a mutation and to understand this may also hold the key to aging and disease. It is, in the Darwinian view of life, the raw material of evolution.

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  • Steve Jones 22 episodes
    Professor of Genetics in the Galton Laboratory, University College London
  • Adrian Woolfson No other episodes
    Lectures in Medicine at Cambridge University
  • Linda Partridge 3 episodes
    Weldon Professor of Biometry at University College London

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Programme ID: b008drvm

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Auto-category: 576.5 (Genetics and evolution)

Hello (First sentence from this episode) Hello. When he was mortally ill with cancer, the British geneticist J.B.S. Haldane came up with the following gallant lines.