The Monarchy

10 Jun, 1999 940 History of Europe

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the British monarchy. In the last two hundred and fifty years, we’ve beheaded one king, exiled another, hired a distant German-speaking dynasty to fill the monarch’s role, and then mocked and ignored them, suffered a mad man and then a lavish sensualist, threatened a young queen, and then, over a century ago, invented a pageantry which brought majesty to a monarchy which is now tilting at the twenty first century against many and mighty odds. How has the monarchy survived since the execution of Charles the First two hundred and fifty years ago and what relevance does it have in a devolved Britain?With Professor David Cannadine, Director of the Institute of Historical Research, London and former Lecturer in History and Fellow, Christ’s College, Cambridge; Bea Campbell, sociologist, journalist and author of Diana, Princess of Wales.

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  • Professor David Cannadine 3 episodes
    Director of the Institute of Historical Research, London and former Lecturer in History and Fellow, Christ's College, Cambridge
  • Bea Campbell No other episodes
    Sociologist, journalist and author of Diana, Princess of Wales

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Programme ID: p00545k6

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Auto-category: 941 (British history and politics)

Hello (First sentence from this episode) Hello, I'm joined today by historian David Cannadine and social commentator Bea Campbell to look at the changing face of monarchy.