Work in the 20th Century

26 Nov, 1998 330 Economics

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the changing nature of work practices and the work ethic as it pertains at the end of the 20th century. Has our understanding of the nature and function of work really changed so radically since the beginning of the century? How can the past inform the future in the rapidly changing work environment? Has technology usurped craftsmanship, or is this no more than a superficial reading of an increasingly complex scene?With Professor Richard Sennett, visiting professor, London School for Economics and author of The Corrosion of Character - the Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism; Theodore Zeldin, historian and Fellow of St Anthony’s College, Oxford; Melanie Phillips, columnist on The Sunday Times and currently working on a book about The Sex Change State.

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  • Professor Richard Sennett No other episodes
    Visiting professor, London School for Economics
  • Theodore Zeldin 2 episodes
    Historian and Fellow of St Anthony's College, Oxford
  • Melanie Phillips No other episodes
    Columnist on The Sunday Times

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Programme ID: p0054588

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Auto-category: 331.1 (Labor economics and work ethic)

Hello (First sentence from this episode) Hello, this week we're taking a look at the changing nature of work and the work ethic as it obtains at the end of the 20th century.